Email Address

Phone Number

+252905221122 & +252905992299

Our Location

Garowe, Badhan, Bosaso, Galkayo

HADA's Program

Emergency Food Assistance

HADA provides immediate food aid to individuals and families facing acute food insecurity due to conflict, displacement, or natural disasters.


Empower Lives with Urgent Food and Emergency Aid

Our food assistance programs include the distribution of staple food items such as grains, pulses, and fortified nutrition supplements to ensure access to essential nutrients.

We conduct needs assessments and collaborate with local partners to identify and reach the most vulnerable populations in remote and hard-to-reach areas.

Happy Family
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Help Us

Your Donation Can Change Their Life

Your donation can transform lives by providing essential resources like clean water, food, and education to vulnerable communities. Every contribution helps us create sustainable solutions and foster hope in regions facing extreme hardship. Join us in making a significant impact—your support truly changes lives.

Become HADA's Proud Volunteer

Join us as a volunteer and be a catalyst for positive change. Your time and skills can help deliver essential services, support educational programs, and empower communities. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.