Email Address

Phone Number

+252905221122 & +252905992299

Our Location

Garowe, Badhan, Bosaso, Galkayo

HADA's Program

Agricultural Development​

HADA is dedicated to fostering agricultural development that promotes sustainability and resilience in vulnerable communities. Our initiatives focus on enhancing food security, improving farming practices, and supporting local economies. Key aspects of our agricultural development program include:


You Have The Power Today To Change Tomorrow

  • Sustainable Farming Practices: Training farmers in techniques that conserve resources and increase productivity, such as crop rotation, organic farming, and efficient water usage.
  • Community Gardens: Establishing and supporting community gardens that provide fresh, nutritious food and create opportunities for communal engagement and learning.
  • Agricultural Education: Offering workshops and training sessions on modern farming methods, pest management, and soil health to empower farmers with the knowledge to improve their yields.
  • Access to Resources: Providing farmers with essential tools, seeds, and fertilizers to enhance their agricultural activities.
  • Market Access: Assisting farmers in accessing local and regional markets to sell their produce, ensuring they receive fair prices and can sustain their livelihoods.
  • Climate-Resilient Crops: Promoting the cultivation of crops that are resilient to climate change, ensuring food security despite environmental challenges.
  • Support for Women Farmers: Focusing on empowering women in agriculture by providing them with resources, training, and support to enhance their roles and contributions to the community.
Trained Farmer
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Your Donation Can Change Their Life

Your donation can transform lives by providing essential resources like clean water, food, and education to vulnerable communities. Every contribution helps us create sustainable solutions and foster hope in regions facing extreme hardship. Join us in making a significant impact—your support truly changes lives.

Become HADA's Proud Volunteer

Join us as a volunteer and be a catalyst for positive change. Your time and skills can help deliver essential services, support educational programs, and empower communities. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.