Email Address

Phone Number

+252905221122 & +252905992299

Our Location

Garowe, Badhan, Bosaso, Galkayo

About Us

About Us


Horn Aid and Development Action (HADA) emerged from a collective vision to address the pressing humanitarian and development challenges facing Somalia and the broader Horn of Africa region. Founded in 2019, HADA was born out of a deep commitment to alleviating suffering, promoting human dignity, and fostering sustainable change in some of the most vulnerable communities.

In response to these challenges, HADA was established as a non-governmental organization (NGO) with a clear mandate to deliver humanitarian assistance and advance development initiatives in a manner that is inclusive, accountable, and sustainable. Drawing on the expertise and dedication of its founders and stakeholders, HADA set out to make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities across Somalia. 


Over the years, HADA has grown and evolved, expanding its reach and impact through strategic partnerships, innovative programs, and a steadfast commitment to its core values. From emergency relief efforts to long-term development projects, HADA has remained at the forefront of efforts to address food insecurity, water scarcity, health disparities, displacement, and other pressing issues facing the region.

Horn Aid and Development Action

Make World Happier

Today, HADA stands as a beacon of hope and resilience, dedicated to building a brighter future for all in Somalia and beyond. Guided by the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence, HADA looks ahead with optimism, committed to its mission and vision. Together, we know that positive change is not only possible but inevitable.


Our mission is to improve lives in hard-to-reach and conflict-affected areas by delivering critical aid and support, fostering sustainable development, and promoting resilience in communities.


Our vision is a world where every community, regardless of location or challenges, has access to essential services, sustainable development, and the opportunity to achieve lasting prosperity.


Our objective is to deliver comprehensive humanitarian aid and development programs that enhance health, education, economic stability, and overall well-being, ensuring resilient and thriving communities.


Core Values


Organizational Structure

  • Founding Board of Directors:

Comprised of visionary leaders and experts in humanitarian and development fields, our founding board provides strategic guidance, oversight, and leadership to steer HADA towards its goals.

Responsible for setting the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic priorities, the board ensures alignment with our core values and ethical principles.


  • Executive Leadership Team:

Led by a passionate and experienced executive director, our leadership team oversees the day-to-day operations and implementation of HADA’s programs and activities.

Committed to upholding the organization’s values and principles, the executive team fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement.


  • Programmatic Departments:

Structured around our core program areas, including humanitarian assistance, development programs, and cross-cutting themes, our programmatic departments are responsible for designing, implementing, and evaluating HADA’s initiatives.

Each department is led by a program manager who coordinates project activities, manages resources, and ensures the delivery of high-quality and impactful interventions.



  • Support Functions:

To enable the smooth functioning of our operations, we have dedicated support functions such as finance, human resources, administration, and logistics.

These support teams provide essential services, including financial management, staff recruitment and development, procurement, and logistical support, to facilitate the effective implementation of HADA’s programs.


  • Field Offices and Community Engagement Teams:

With a focus on proximity to the communities we serve, we establish field offices and deploy community engagement teams to ensure that our programs are responsive to local needs and context.

These field-based teams work closely with community leaders, local authorities, and other stakeholders to identify priorities, mobilize resources, and facilitate community participation in program design and implementation.


  • Advisory Committees and Partnerships:

Recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and expertise, we establish advisory committees and foster partnerships with local organizations, academic institutions, and other stakeholders to inform our decision-making and enhance our impact.

These advisory bodies provide technical advice, share best practices, and help to ensure that our programs are evidence-based, culturally sensitive, and contextually appropriate.