Email Address

Phone Number

+252905221122 & +252905992299

Our Location

Garowe, Badhan, Bosaso, Galkayo

HADA's Program

Water, Sanitation, & Hygiene

HADA implements WASH interventions to ensure access to clean and safe water sources, sanitation facilities, and hygiene promotion activities in communities affected by crises. Our interventions include the construction and rehabilitation of water supply systems, installation of latrines and handwashing facilities, and hygiene education sessions to promote safe hygiene practices.


Clean Water for All - Vital WASH Interventions

During times of water scarcity, we assist communities in digging canals and drainage systems to store water, helping to balance the water crisis. These efforts not only provide immediate relief but also create sustainable water management solutions.

We work closely with local authorities, community leaders, and water management committees to ensure the sustainability of WASH facilities and behaviour change initiatives. Additionally, HADA engages in environmental activities, such as reforestation and waste management, to support the overall health and progress of the communities we serve.

Through these comprehensive WASH interventions, HADA is dedicated to improving public health, fostering environmental sustainability, and enhancing the resilience of vulnerable communities.

Programe Handeled
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Your Donation Can Change Their Life

Your donation can transform lives by providing essential resources like clean water, food, and education to vulnerable communities. Every contribution helps us create sustainable solutions and foster hope in regions facing extreme hardship. Join us in making a significant impact—your support truly changes lives.

Become HADA's Proud Volunteer

Join us as a volunteer and be a catalyst for positive change. Your time and skills can help deliver essential services, support educational programs, and empower communities. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need.